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Updated 1/2/22
Our studio is open for live in-person fitness classes. Please take some time to review our safety protocols, prior to shaking it up at your first class
In-person classes will be offered to a limited capacity.
Socially distanced workout spots measuring 6 feet x 6 feet have been sectioned onto the studio floor. At the time of registration, you will reserve your personal workout space and must remain in that space throughout the class.
Purses and bags will not be permitted in the studio. Please only bring your essential items with you (keys, water bottle, cellphone) and leave unnecessary items in the cubby room, your vehicle or at home.
We will be following CDC, State and town mask mandates. Currently, masks are not required for those that are fully vaccinated, however with the current increase of Covid cases and the Omicron variant, we encourage all members to wear a mask while attending classes at the studio, regardless of vaccination status. If you are unvaccinated, properly worn masks are required in our facility.
Change rooms and showers will not be available. We ask that you come to studio wearing your workout attire and shower at home.
We will be introducing enhanced cleaning protocols between all scheduled classes. To help facilitate this, we request that all members promptly leave the studio once the class has finished to allow us time to disinfect and thoroughly clean all surfaces prior to the next scheduled class.
If you are feeling ill, please stay home and DO NOT attend class.
Please do not attend our in-person classes if you have:
❌ have tested positive for Covid-19
❌ been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19
❌ are experiencing any of the following symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath or breathing difficulties
THANK YOU for working together with us during this time so we can continue to Shake Up the Shoreline with YOU!
-Team ExZ
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